Working in the early childhood
field, I have grown to be passionate about educating children from different
ability groups because children deserve quality education. I would like to have
the opportunity to accommodate the learning needs and create programs that
would help every child succeed. Community members and families should be made
aware of the need for high quality early childhood education for all children
because most people think that a young child’s education does not matter until
they get into kindergarten and start in a special education class where they
will receive various services.
I have a passion to help children in poverty to close the
gap in learning, lack of health care, homelessness, and most especially access
to quality early learning. I would like to stay current with policies, issues
and forums that affect children and their families. People who share their
passionate information without being afraid of the issues they speak about are
the most effective advocates. In the field
of early childhood the care for children in universal preschool, head
start, early head start and special education services need to be inclusive so
that by the time children reach school age, most of the services will not be