This week’s blog assignment on exploring
the role of early childhood education in the international community, inspired
my thinking of the opportunities, or roles I would like to take and places I
will like to work presently and in the future.
UNESCO’s mission is to
contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable
development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences,
culture, communication and information. The Organization focuses on quality of
education for all, fostering cultural diversity and other objectives (,
n. d.). The job opportunity that I found in this organization that appeals to
me is the education program coordinator. The educational qualification for this
job is a master’s degree and the skills are to have excellent organization and
planning skills, ability to participate
effectively in high-level negotiations with internal and external stakeholders,
good fund raising and resources mobilization skills, proven ability to lead,
manage and motivate staff and teams and to maintain effective working
relationships in a multicultural environment, good communication and drafting
skills, good knowledge of standard office software (word processing,
spreadsheets, etc.).
The International Step by Step Association is an
organization that promotes the equal access to quality education and care for
all children, especially in the early years of their lives. I admire this organization
because of its belief in the equality of education for all children regardless
of their race, cultural background, and economic status. I did not see any job
posting on this site but would like to join the organization because of the
vision and mission of promoting the well being of children.
Thank you for posting an entry on UNESCO. I did not choose that one, but it sounds like they are a wonderful organization. I think it would be such an amazing experience to be able to teach in another country, especially a developing one. If I were younger and didn't have a family, I would definitely consider pursuing an international opportunity.