Sunday, January 30, 2011

Impact of Environmental Pollution on childhood development

   Environmental pollution is the contamination of the physical and biological components of the earth or atmospheric system. Environmental pollution affects developed, underdeveloped and developing countries because it is an issue that is facing the world today. Children who are exposed to environmental pollution at any stage of their development exhibit health related problems, infections and diseases. These health challenges lead to deterioration of childhood development. For instance, a child who lives in an industrally polluted area is at higher risk of developing asthma because of inhaled polluted air. There are many aspects of environmental pollution which are detriment to human health, animal, plants, soil, air, and water. The cleanliness of the environment is vital to the survival and reproductive success of living things of which man or a human being deserve or attract major attention.
   The pollution of the environment involves the pollution or contamination of air, water, soil, plant, animals and food, thereby jeopardizing or threatening the lives of human being who solely depend on food processed from the environment to survive. Therefore, environmental pollution is equivalent to poisoning human and other lives leading to reproductive success. A poisoned life would suffer the toxicity of the poisonous substance up to the limit it can withstand and die when it can no longer withstand the toxic substance. Children can manifest many unusal skin reactions and other disease characteristics as a result of the inability of their bodies to convert injurious pollutants into harmless substances.

Types of Environmental Pollution:
Air pollution
Water pollution
Soil pollution
Consequences of Air pollution 
- Reduced lung functioning
- Irritation of eyes, nose, mouth and throat
- Asthma attacks
- Respiratory symptoms such as coughing and wheezing
- Increased respiratory disease such as bronchitis
- Reduced energy levels
- Headaches and dizziness
- Disruption of endocrine, reproductive and immune systems
- Neurobehavioral disorder
- Cardiovascular problems
- Cancer
- Premature death
Consequences of Water Pollution
- Typhoid
- Hookworm
- Rashes, ear ache, pink eye
- Respiratory infections
- Hepatitis, diarrhea, vomiting and stomach aches.
Consequences of Soil Pollution
- Causes cancer
- Lead in soil
- Mercury can increase the risk of kidney damage
- Causes headache, nausea, fatique, eye irritation and skin rash.
Effect of Environmental Pollution on Child Development
- Hyperactivity
- Reduced IQ
- Malnutrition
- Aggressive
- Self esteem
- Impulsive behavior
- Anti social behavior
Solution to Prevent air pollution
- Elimination of cockroaches
- Construction of more outdoor play
- Reduce traffic congestion
- Dust, pets, smokes and other allergens.
Solution to prevent soil pollution
- Package waste
- Usage of plastic and paper needs to be reduced
- Usage of pesticide and fertilizer needs to be reduced.
Solution to prevent water pollution
- Prevent oil spill
- Preventing the amount of coal burning emissions
- Stop deforestation.
    Conclusively, environmental pollution is an everyday occurence. Human and other lives would continue to function as far as it is possible to detoxicify. At a point when a living thing can no longer detoxify, death is eminant resulting from culmulative effect of pollutants. Life will be worth living when concerted effort is made to reduce environmental pollution and its impacts. Therefore, it is imperative that we raise and nurture healthy children, hence the need to have a pollution free environment as much as humanlly possible.

Berger, K.S. (2009). The Developing Person Through Childhood

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nutrition and Development

Nutrition is a process whereby food substances are taken in the body for growth and maintenance. Major food categories include carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Malnutrition is the opposite of nutrition and occurs when the body is not deriving enough nutrients from the food intake. Implicated conditions include but not limited to inadequate or unbalanced diet, digestive difficulties, absorption problems, and other medical challenges. Berger, (2009).
     The importance of good nutrition in the developmental milestone of children cannot be overemphasized. Good nutrition is important for the bones, muscles and brain. Eating proper and balanced diet will help the individual to properly develop completely-mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, psychologically and cognitively. Healthy diet help children to grow and learn properly and as a result helps prevent overweight and help the children maintain their weight within acceptable ranges.
     In developing and undeveloped countries e for example Nigeria, malnutrition is prevalence because of large segment of the population is in abject poverty. Malnutrition will reverse the benefits of proper nutrition. Lack of nutritious food can result from poverty hence people in poverty will exhibit diminished developments – mentally, physically, socially, emotionally, psychologically and cognitively.
     Based on what I know and see happening in Nigeria and U.S.A., I now have the urge to arrange and redirect the surplus nutritious food items from the U.S.A. to the poor and hungry people in Nigeria. Further, I will embark on informing the uninformed regarding available nutritious food resources in the U.S.A. to their benefit. The channels to the resources include the following: wic program, food stamps, family first/temporary assistance for needy families, chip program (the children health insurance program), and free of charge reduced meals in schools.  In light of this understanding I will become a more assertive advocate of balanced diet initiated early in the life of every child. 
Child nutrition: Medline plus

Berger, K.S. (2009). The Developing Person through Childhood. New York: worth publisher.                                

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Child Birth in Nigeria

       There have been alot of maternal mortalities, injuries, infections or diseases during childbirth in Nigeria. Majority of child bearing women fall within the low socioeconomic status. Therefore, the lack of health care for the mother and the developing fetus is a predominant feature.        Prenatal care is not usually provided and post conception folic acid is not readily administered. Another challenging area of concern is that health is not adequately monitored during the three trimesters. Many unhealthy mothers and developing babies abound. Some mothers give birth in homes, sometimes with the assistance of nurse midwives. Some women give birth on their way to the hospital, as a means of last resort. Consequently, avoidable and preventable complications, diseases, and deaths occurs
        In the U.S. A there is generally available adequate health care for all people in all socioeconomic classes. The informed make the most efficient use of available health care. These are lacking in Nigeria. In the U.S.A. the government provides adequate health care. The government does not provide health care in Nigeria. For a patient to be attended to, that patient must make reasonable amount  and monetary deposit. Without money there is no care in Nigeria.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Birth of My Niece

     This is a story about the birth of my niece. My sister taught that she was going to have the baby the next day which was supposd to be 23rd of June but labor started on the 22nd of June 2010 at 8am. She came from my country (Nigeria) to have the baby in the U.S. She was in my parents house when the labor started and she was home alone, so she called 9-1-1. She said that she was in deep pain when she got to the hospital but she has dilated enough, so they had to give her epidural and that was when I arrived to witness the birth of my niece. The nurse kept on monitoring the heart beat of the baby and how wide she has dilated, until it was time to deliver the baby. The nurse told her to stay in a position that will be easy to deliver the baby. The baby's head was coming out inch by inch and finally the entire body came out at 12:10pm on that same day on a sunny afternoon. They asked me to cut the umblical cord then the doctor brought out the placenta. The other nurse took the baby and cleaned her up and took her to the nursery. I stayed with my sister while the doctor was stitching her up from the cut she sustained when she was having the baby. After everything they cleaned her up and sent her to a room.