Saturday, July 2, 2011

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

Part 1
I contacted two people by e-mail for my blog assignment which I am still waiting to hear from them. I listened to some of the discussions from the alternative source, world forum radio, to understand and get better views of professional in early childhood settings. Susan Lyon taught children with learning disabilities and emotionalproblems. Barbara Jones started her school in Maine after working in private sector for 5 years.

The Global Alliance of NAEYC has e-mail addresses for early childhood professionals worldwide:

  World Forum Foundation. World Forum Foundation whose mission is to promote an on-going global exchange of ideas on the delivery of quality services for young children in diverse settings.” 
World Forum Foundation Radio. Includes links to podcasts of conversations with early childhood professionals. 

Part 2

The global funds would enable me to help children from the United States and Nigeria to eradicate hunger and meet some basic needs of children from low income families. The National black child development institute helping with solution to early childhood education. The zero to three, NAEYC (national association for the education of young children ) and national head startassociation are sites that I am familiar  with and able to relate to their aims and values. 

Zero To Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families   (May have to use )

National Black Child Development Institute/support/sign-up-for-nbcdi-newsletters/ )

National Institute for Early Education Research 

(Newsletter: )

The National Association for the Education of Young Children 

(Review also the position statements: )


  1. Chika,

    I contacted 3 ppl and have yet to hear back from them. I hope we hear back from them soon. One would think they would respond in a timely manner.... i guess they are busy bc of the 4th of july weekend. I am already a member of NAEYC and Zero to Three so I picked The Center for Child Care Workforce. It was pretty interesting. I has some links and resources for children like tips on oral language but it is mostly about the workforce for professionals like requirements and wages, etc. Im hoping the site offers me some sort of insight/help in looking for a new job in the Early Childhood Field.


  2. Chika,
    Thanks for posting!
    I have chosen the National Black Child organization also. This caught my attention because I know what being a minority could mean for mny children. I hope to find out about the issues and trends thatb affect our children in the black communities around the world. We might be surprized to know how the issues we face in the USA affect children in similiar ways. In my opinion I don't think there will be many differences. What I suspect is that because of the culture the issues may be handled differently.

  3. Chick, I hope we each hear something soon. The alternative assignments seems over whelming to me right now! I reviewed some of the same website. And signed up for a couple more newsletters. I think they will offer us a large selection of issue to review. I’m hoping to get a better understanding of how others around the world work in this ever changing field. I thank we will learn that it’s a “Small World After All”.
